Transmission questions

urq urq at
Sat Apr 25 15:25:48 PDT 2009

Mark Rosenkrantz wrote:

This can SO get out of hand.....

(I think) Torsens are never locked.  Locked means 50/50 split, no matter
what.  Both axles (or wheels) turn always in sync.  With A Torsen this only
occurs when driving straight and level, and it's still not "locked,"  Does
that make sense?

On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Tony Hoffman <auditony at> wrote:

> A TORSEN (TORque SENsing) differential only allows a certain amount of
> slippage, as the gears essentially slide from one side to the other.
> then, after that, it's essentially locked. At least, this is my
> understanding from the literature and pictures I have in my possesion.
> And, it would explain the driveline bind when on the gas at low
> speeds.
... an *open differential* has a constant 50:50 torque split.  A locked
differential can go anywhere from 0:100 to 100:0 depending on the traction
on both ends ... as you note, both ends are forced to rotate at the same
rate ...

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

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