Brake rotor resurfacing...

louis-alain.richard at louis-alain.richard at
Wed Aug 19 11:01:34 PDT 2009

Thanks for the tip.

Did you do it on the bench, or on the car ? How about the inner face of the
rotors ?


-----Message d'origine-----

I obtained good results with a foam-core 60-grit sanding block  
purchased for about $1 from harbor freight.

I use it to remove general rust, and pad deposits.


On Aug 19, 2009, at 1:30 PM, <louis-alain.richard at> wrote:

> My 1983 urQuattro is back in function but since it sat unused for a  
> few
> months, now the front rotors (less than 2000 miles) are "spotted".  
> The brake
> pedal is pulsating a lot, even after a dozen high speed braking  
> exercises
> (with a long cooling period between each stop).
> My FLAPS sells a kit at 57$ (about the cost of one rotor) to attach  
> a 1.5 in
> dia. ScotchBrite pad to a handheld drill. The kit is good for many  
> discs,
> but I doubt the results.
> Any tips ?
> Louis-Alain

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