August 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Aug 1 07:38:55 PDT 2009
Ending: Mon Aug 31 18:53:20 PDT 2009
Messages: 340
- email list etiquette
Mike Arman
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- Replacing Fuel pump and frozen check valve....
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- 1984 4k - no start
Bares, Vittorio
- No subject
Unka Bart
Unka Bart
- Fw: VW/Porsche Merger = Auto Union!!!
Wylie Bean
- New Audi logo
Wylie Bean
- New Audi logo
Wylie Bean
- Turbo kit for a 2005 TT 3.2 DSG
Mark J. Besso
- [urq] Vintage 80's steering wheel
Mark J. Besso
- email list etiquette
- 4kq shift linkage/ball socket interchangability?
Gary Brown
- Audi 90 20v Radiator Help
Paul Caouette
- window woes
Danton J.A. Cardoso
- Jetta TDI
Danton J.A. Cardoso
- email list etiquette
Danton J.A. Cardoso
- Jetta TDI (also list etiquette)
Danton J.A. Cardoso
- email list etiquette
Danton J.A. Cardoso
- email list etiquette
Danton J.A. Cardoso
- Jetta TDI (also list etiquette)
John Cassidy
- Jetta TDI
John Cassidy
- Jetta TDI (also list etiquette)
John Cassidy
- Audi 200 voltage
- 4k, 5k, 200's quantums etc. manual transmission gear linkage bushing
- 1984 4k - no start
- The feds are still determined to get my car
- The feds are still determined to get my car
- 4kq shift linkage/ball socket interchangability?
- 1984 4k - no start
- [s-cars] S6 Rack woes - Resolved
- two items in bad taste
- window woes
- ur-quattro 2011
- Codes Stored with no CEL?
Dan DiBiase
- No air from vents with fan on
Dan DiBiase
- NAC - Scoobie clutch
Dan DiBiase
Dan DiBiase
Dan DiBiase
- Jetta TDI (also list etiquette)
Dan DiBiase
- Audi logo "facelift"?
Dan DiBiase
- Italian Car Day @ Larz Anderson tomorrow
Brett Dikeman
- 1984 4k - no start
Brett Dikeman
- 1984 4k - no start
Brett Dikeman
- Turbo kit for a 2005 TT 3.2 DSG
Brett Dikeman
- flash of death
Brett Dikeman
Brett Dikeman
- Audi 90 20v Radiator Help
Brett Dikeman
- email list etiquette
Brett Dikeman
- two items in bad taste
Brett Dikeman
- two items in bad taste
Brett Dikeman
- [s-cars] RF remote registration
Andrew Duane
- Jetta TDI (also list etiquette)
Andrew Duane
- email list etiquette
Dave Fain
- A8 Front suspension torque specs
Cody Forbes
- A8 Front suspension torque specs
Cody Forbes
- A8 Front suspension torque specs
Cody Forbes
- [A8] A8 Front suspension torque specs
Cody Forbes
- 1984 4k - no start
Cody Forbes
- 1984 4k - no start
Cody Forbes
- Turbo kit for a 2005 TT 3.2 DSG
Cody Forbes
- flash of death
Cody Forbes
- Carpet Mat
Peter Golledge
- S6 Rack woes
Peter Golledge
- S6 Rack woes - Resolved
Peter Golledge
- [s-cars] S6 Rack woes - Resolved
Peter Golledge
- Audi 200 voltage
- window woes
- Audi 90 20v Radiator Help
- type 44 heater valve
DeWitt Harrison
- type 44 heater valve
DeWitt Harrison
- type 44 heater valve -- the electrical connection
DeWitt Harrison
- flash of whatever
DeWitt Harrison
- No air from vents with fan on
J.B. Hebert
- 4k, 5k, 200's quantums etc. manual transmission gear linkage bushing
Max Hoepli
- 4k, 5k, 200's quantums etc. manual transmission gear linkage bushing
Max Hoepli
- Carpet Mat
Max Hoepli
- Slave cylinder troubles
Tony Hoffman
- 1984 4k - no start
Tony Hoffman
- 1984 4k - no start
Tony Hoffman
- 1984 4k - no start
Tony Hoffman
- 1984 4k - no start
Tony Hoffman
- 1984 4k - no start
Tony Hoffman
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Henry A Harper III
- Need a Driver to Transport Car
Doug Johnson
- Audi logo "facelift"?
Ti Kan
- email list etiquette
Fay Kelley
- email list etiquette
Fay Kelley
- windshield wipers go in intermittent mode on their own
Ed Kellock
- REsolved: windshield wipers go in intermittent mode on their own
Ed Kellock
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Ed Kellock
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Ed Kellock
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Ed Kellock
- Paint Scuffs and Scratches
Ed Kellock
- email list etiquette
Ed Kellock
- email list etiquette
Ed Kellock
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Kunz, Bob
- flash of death
Kunz, Bob
- flash of death
Kunz, Bob
- 1984 4k - no start
John Lagnese
- type 44 heater valve
Nick Lawrence
- 1984 4k - no start
Grant Lenahan
- window woes
Grant Lenahan
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Grant Lenahan
- 1984 4k - no start
Grant Lenahan
- Paint Scuffs and Scratches
Grant Lenahan
- Brake rotor resurfacing...
Grant Lenahan
- Brake rotor resurfacing...
Grant Lenahan
- US Vintage Grand Prix at Watkins Glen
Grant Lenahan
- Brake rotor resurfacing.
Grant Lenahan
- [urq] Brake rotor resurfacing...
Grant Lenahan
- Brake rotor resurfacing...
Grant Lenahan
- Brake rotor resurfacing...
Grant Lenahan
- email list etiquette
Grant Lenahan
- Was two items in bad taste, now offtopic postings
Lee Levitt
- Mixed blessings Re: Italian Car Day @ Larz Anderson tomorrow
Geraint Lloyd
- Audi 200 voltage _Update
Geraint Lloyd
- The feds are still determined to get my car - how much do you cost?
Geraint Lloyd
- The feds are still determined to get my car - even if it is imperial
Geraint Lloyd
- check this before buying another clunker
Geraint Lloyd
- Jetta TDI
Geraint Lloyd
- email list etiquette
Geraint Lloyd
- [urq] Vintage 80's steering wheel
Geraint Lloyd
- Anyone have experience with Falken ZE-912's?
Geraint Lloyd
- Was two items in bad taste, now offtopic postings
Geraint Lloyd
- 1984 4k - no start
Tom Love
- 1984 4k - no start
Tom Love
- 1984 4k - no start
Tom Love
- NAAC TimingBelt-a-thon wrap up.
Paul Luevano
- Anyone have experience with Falken ZE-912's?
Steve Marinello
- Timing belt and water pump time
Kent McLean
- NAAC TimingBelt-a-thon wrap up.
Kent McLean
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Kent McLean
- flash of death
Kent McLean
- R8 optical illusion
Kent McLean
- two items in bad taste
Kent McLean
- window woes
Tess McMillan
- 90q slave done, but clutch is out! Great.
Steve Meyer
- 4kq shift linkage/ball socket interchangability?
Steve Meyer
- Need a Driver to Transport Car
Steve Meyer
- Mixed blessings Re: Italian Car Day @ Larz Anderson tomorrow
David Michael
- Mixed blessings Re: Italian Car Day @ Larz Anderson tomorrow
David Michael
- 4k, 5k, 200's quantums etc. manual transmission gear linkage bushing
Montague, Scot
- 4k, 5k, 200's quantums etc. manual transmission gear linkage bushing
Montague, Scot
- Jetta TDI
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] S6 Rack woes - Resolved
Fred Munro
- 1984 4k - no start
Hayes Myers
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Hayes Myers
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Hayes Myers
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Hayes Myers
- ur-quattro 2011
Hayes Myers
- Turbo kit for a 2005 TT 3.2 DSG
Hayes Myers
- NAC - Scoobie clutch
Hayes Myers
- [urq] Vintage 80's steering wheel
Hayes Myers
- PLM?
Robert Myers
- Family album questions
Robert Myers
- RF remote registration
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] RF remote registration
Robert Myers
- RF remote registration - Uh-oh
Robert Myers
- NAC - Scoobie clutch
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] NAC - Scoobie clutch
Robert Myers
- flash of death
Robert Myers
- email list etiquette
Robert Myers
- NAAC TimingBelt-a-thon wrap up.
- Mixed blessings Re: Italian Car Day @ Larz Anderson tomorrow
- window woes
- window woes
- Brake rotor resurfacing.
- Jetta TDI (also list etiquette)
- [urq] Vintage 80's steering wheel
Martin Pajak
- Paint Scuffs and Scratches
Scott Phillips
- Rear Springs for 5KSQ
Scott Phillips
- Audi logo "facelift"?
Antti Piirainen
- Audi logo "facelift"?
Antti Piirainen
- NAAC TimingBelt-a-thon wrap up.
Huw Powell
- 1984 4k - no start
Huw Powell
- 1984 4k - no start
Huw Powell
- 1984 4k - no start
Huw Powell
- 1984 4k - no start
Huw Powell
- 1984 4k - no start
Huw Powell
- Replacing Fuel pump and frozen check valve....
Huw Powell
- 1984 4k - no start
Huw Powell
- 1984 4k - no start
Huw Powell
- window woes
Huw Powell
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Huw Powell
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Huw Powell
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Huw Powell
- 1984 4k - no start
Huw Powell
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Huw Powell
- 1984 4k - no start
Huw Powell
- 1984 4k - no start
Huw Powell
- Brake rotor resurfacing...
Huw Powell
- Audi 90 20v Radiator Help
Huw Powell
- Audi 90 20v Radiator Help
Huw Powell
- email list etiquette
Huw Powell
- [Bulk] RE: email list etiquette
Huw Powell
- Rear Springs for 5KSQ
Huw Powell
- Need a Driver to Transport Car
Huw Powell
- Vintage 80's steering wheel
Huw Powell
- Audi logo "facelift"?
Huw Powell
- Audi logo "facelift"?
Huw Powell
- Email editing protocols and other such whinging
Huw Powell
- New Audi logo
Huw Powell
- Slave cylinder troubles
- [V8] flash of death
Ingo Rautenberg
- [urq] Vintage 80's steering wheel
Ingo Rautenberg
- [urq] Vintage 80's steering wheel
Ingo Rautenberg
- Slave cylinder troubles
Louis-Alain Richard
- 1984 4k - no start
Louis-Alain Richard
- A8 Front suspension torque specs
Louis-Alain Richard
- TDI in future Audis ?
Louis-Alain Richard
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Louis-Alain Richard
- 1984 4k - no start
Louis-Alain Richard
- [SPAM?] Re: The feds are still determined to get my car
Louis-Alain Richard
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Louis-Alain Richard
- Turbo kit for a 2005 TT 3.2 DSG
Louis-Alain Richard
- Brake rotors-
Louis-Alain Richard
- Vintage 80's steering wheel
Louis-Alain Richard
- [urq] Vintage 80's steering wheel
Louis-Alain Richard
- [urq] Vintage 80's steering wheel
Louis-Alain Richard
- [urq] Vintage 80's steering wheel
Louis-Alain Richard
- carfax request
Roa, Greg
- [urq] Vintage 80's steering wheel
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Vintage 80's steering wheel
Brandon Rogers
- [urq] Vintage 80's steering wheel
Brandon Rogers
- window woes
Mark Rosenkrantz
- 1984 4k - no start
Robert Rossato
- NAAC TimingBelt-a-thon wrap up.
- NAAC TimingBelt-a-thon wrap up.
- The feds are still determined to get my car
George Selby
- email list etiquette
George Selby
- ur-quattro 2011
Dan Simoes
- Jetta TDI (also list etiquette)
Dan Simoes
- type 44 heater valve
- type 44 heater valve
- [urq] Vintage 80's steering wheel
- Licence plate
- 1984 4k - no start
Ben Swann
- Replacing Fuel pump and frozen check valve....
Ben Swann
- AC full charge criteria
Ben Swann
- 1984 4k - no start
Ben Swann
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Ben Swann
- The feds are still determined to get my car
Ben Swann
- 1990 Audi Qoupe Quattro for sale
Chris Talley
- UrS4 wing mirror
Duncan Thomson
- VAG question
Tihol Tiholov
- Slave cylinder troubles
George Tur
- Replacing Fuel pump and frozen check valve....
- Replacing Fuel pump and frozen check valve .... Done, but what a PIA!
- Engine coolant drain plug location on a 30v.
- Engine coolant drain plug location on a 30v (after a closer inspection)
- RE email list etiquette
McCohens at
- quattro Digest, Vol 70, Issue 20
TooManyAudis at
- Rear Springs for 5KSQ
b1biker at
- 2001 S4 clutch
quattro1869 at
- [s-cars] S6 Rack woes - Resolved
mike claire
- Timing belt and water pump time
kneale at
- Flaring tool
kneale at
- type 44 heater valve
kneale at
- VAG question
speedracer.mark at
- toy and a half....still in the works
donald grady
- Paint Scuffs and Scratches
mboucher70 at
- Slave cylinder troubles
radek at
- Mixed blessings Re: Italian Car Day @ Larz Anderson tomorrow
cobram at
- The feds are still determined to get my car
cobram at
- The feds are still determined to get my car
cobram at
- Family album questions
cobram at
- type 44 heater valve
cobram at
- flash of death
cobram at
- [V8] flash of death
cobram at
- flash of death
cobram at
- flash of death
cobram at
- [V8] flash of death
cobram at
- [V8] flash of death
cobram at
- email list etiquette
cobram at
- Audi logo "facelift"?
cobram at
- D-type Auto Union, no sale.
cobram at
- No air from vents with fan on
kneale at
- email list etiquette
kneale at
- two items in bad taste
kneale at
- two items in bad taste
kneale at
- 1984 4k - no start
jlagnese at
- 1984 4k - no start
jlagnese at
- 1984 4k - no start
jlagnese at
- 1984 4k - no start
jlagnese at
- Paint Scuffs and Scratches
jlagnese at
- [Bulk] RE: email list etiquette
jlagnese at
- email list etiquette
jlagnese at
- S6 Rack woes - Resolved
jlagnese at
- two items in bad taste
jlagnese at
- 1984 4k - no start
- window woes
- Torsen-
omar millmech
- Brake rotors-
omar millmech
- A4 Headlamp Converter-
omar millmech
- A8 Front suspension torque specs
Al s
- 1984 4k - no start
Al s
- Flaring tool
louis-alain.richard at
- Upper front strut mounts : the blues are not that bad...
louis-alain.richard at
- Brake rotor resurfacing...
louis-alain.richard at
- Brake rotor resurfacing...
louis-alain.richard at
- US Vintage Grand Prix at Watkins Glen
louis-alain.richard at
- Brake rotor resurfacing...
louis-alain.richard at
- s4 clutch
- Brake rotor resurfacing.
- [Bulk] RE: 4k, 5k, 200's quantums etc. manual transmission gear linkage bushing
- 1984 4k - no start
- 4kq shift linkage/ball socket interchangability?
- [Bulk] RE: The feds are still determined to get my car
- Jetta TDI
- [Bulk] RE: email list etiquette
- Slave cylinder troubles
john at
- Slave cylinder troubles
john at
- 1984 4k - no start
john at
- 1984 4k - no start
john at
- 1984 4k - no start
john at
- 1984 4k - no start
john at
- [20v] New Audi logo
john at
Last message date:
Mon Aug 31 18:53:20 PDT 2009
Archived on: Mon Aug 31 18:53:57 PDT 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).