1984 4k - no start

Tony Hoffman auditony at gmail.com
Sat Aug 8 15:40:25 PDT 2009

The next thing I'd suggest is to check the voltage at the coil while
the car is cranking. Compare that to the battery voltage while
cranking.If they are close, you are good there. If not, I'd start
checking the fuse box connections.


On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Bares,
Vittorio<Vittorio.Bares at nuance.com> wrote:
> ok - I've got ICM, ECU and Altimeter hooked up to the car from a known working car.
> It seems there is spark - but its just very very weak.
> Could I be running the wrong coil (based on the difference in the post plug)?
> I've tried 2 sets of wires and cap. Cleaned the rotor.
> I didn't replace the main ground (just cleaned up all the connections) perhaps try that?
> Any ideas while I go do that?
> Vittorio -
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Bares, Vittorio
> Sent: Saturday, August 08, 2009 1:51 PM
> To: Tony Hoffman
> Cc: quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: RE: 1984 4k - no start
> Thanks, just used those instructions to test...
> Red/Black wire +12v
> Wth/black wire - grnd
> Green wire +5v to 0
> I didn't pull the distributor - just put it in gear and moved the car forward a little at a time. Could see the volt meter go to 5v - 0 as the distributor turned.
> Checked the wires at the ignition control module - they seem to have continuity.
> I'm going to try to swap the ignition control module, perhaps mine is intermittent and when I tested it on the 'good' car it just happened to be working...
> Vittorio -
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony Hoffman [mailto:auditony at gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, August 08, 2009 1:29 PM
> To: Bares, Vittorio
> Cc: quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: 1984 4k - no start
> Check back through the previous posts, and you will see one from me
> that explains the posts on the distributor. Ben Swann's post expalins
> exactly how to check the hall sender.
> Tony
> On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Bares,
> Vittorio<Vittorio.Bares at nuance.com> wrote:
>> BTW - I went to a friends house yesterday who just picked up a 4k for
>> parts (looks at it, sees that the shell is in excellent condition, it
>> runs - so decides he's going to keep it for a project car - and its from
>> Buffalo NY :)
>> I digress - I tested on his car, by swapping in my parts:
>> 1. Fuel Relay, check
>> 2. Ignition control module (tci), check
>> 3. Altimeter, check
>> 4. ECU, check
>> Didn't grab the hall sensor as I didn't want to run away w/his
>> distributor while he had a running 4k :)
>> Also just found this site which has a good explanation of how the
>> ignition/hall/coil/distributor work together:
>> http://www.swedishbricks.net/700900FAQ/Electrical-Ignition1.html
>> Given the testing I've done, and parts I've verified, changes that have
>> been made - I'm going out to see if I can test the hall sensor...
>> Vittorio -
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bares, Vittorio
>> Sent: Saturday, August 08, 2009 11:20 AM
>> Cc: quattro at audifans.com
>> Subject: RE: 1984 4k - no start
>> I cleaned up the grounds - put 2 new grounds in, one direct from the
>> batt to the valve cover and one from the valve cover to the body up
>> front.
>> Started, ran better - but still had a very slight hesitation when
>> cruising. So I thought I'd clean up the contacts on the coil its self -
>> busted one of the posts :( - but I had a new coil that I had bought and
>> had tested with.
>> The new coil had a slightly different set of posts for the (-) neg side
>> - so I switched them.
>> Now I have no-start again...so I thought, let me see if I'm getting
>> anything to the distributor - I don't really understand how the power
>> flows to the/from the coil/distributor - but I thought that if I put a
>> test light on the wire that goes to the distributor I'd see it light up
>> - I don't.
>> Should it?
>> Vittorio -
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: john at westcoastgarage.net [mailto:john at westcoastgarage.net]
>> Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 6:17 PM
>> To: Robert Rossato
>> Cc: 'Brett Dikeman'; Bares, Vittorio; quattro at audifans.com
>> Subject: Re: 1984 4k - no start
>> Robert Rossato wrote:
>>> I'm assuming Brett was referring to replacing the hall sensor element
>>> itself.  Depends on how handy you are, but shouldn't be all too
>>> difficult.
>>> An example of cost:
>> http://www.bbautomacao.com/products.asp?cat=14&gclid=CObMnrCnjZwCFSDxDAo
>>> dgCJOYw
>>> Never looked at the hall sensor in the distributor, so not sure if any
>>> of these are the right ones but the HME301 is used as the Cam Position
>>> Sensor on the AAN.  If you do go this way get the versions with hollow
>>> rivets for ease of installation.
>>> Bob
>>>> As the problem is nearly always the wiring inside the distributor,
>> I'm wondering whether or not the low bucks unit comes with wiring, and
>> if that wiring is appropriate for this application in terms of diameter
>> and resistance to flex damage.  John
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