1984 4k - no start

Bares, Vittorio Vittorio.Bares at nuance.com
Sat Aug 8 16:50:30 PDT 2009

(possibly a 2nd send - sorry for dbl posting if it is)


I added a 4g ground from the batt to the engine block.


I also borrowed a known working coil from the same donor.


I did get some spark although it was inconsistent, sometimes yellow,
sometimes white (on the tri-electrode plugs - should I see spark on all
3-electrodes simultaneously?).


How do I go about testing voltage at the coil - my Haynes is indicating
very specific procedures so as not to damage components - but they
didn't talk about measuring voltage at the coil - any procedures?


I'm wondering also if the ECU's might be different between these cars -
so tomorrow I'll re-run all my tests with:

*       donor coil

*       donor ign control

*       original ECU and Altimeter

*       jumped fuel pump


What are the chances the distributor is faulty?


Thanks for everyone's suggestions and help - I'm sure we'll get to the
bottom of this in time...


Vittorio -



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