The feds are still determined to get my car

Hayes Myers hayesmyers at
Thu Aug 13 14:25:19 PDT 2009

Actually, when doing the math here, Louis-Alain is correct.  Litres/100km
easily gives the amount of gas saved... there is no confusion as to who is
saving money.  First glance, 10-16mpg and 16-26 mpg I would think the latter
would give more savings... the only way to discover this is erroneous is to the math.  However, those using mpg will inevitably want to keep using
it.  For the record, there was a slow rollout of the metric system in the
US... (staggered and not uniformly applied..probably something to do with
state legislature vs fed).   Pretty much allowed anti-metric sentiment to
win the war on that front.  Another victory of mpg is the preservation of
the gallon. (not the huge imperial gallon Canadians remember..but the tiny
US gallon).  The change from gallon to litre cost Canadians a lot of
dough... we have 10 cent swings per litre all the time here...and not much
noise about it.  a 40cent per gallon change in the US would cause a lot of
chaos.  So the oil industry makes out like bandits pricing with the litre vs
the gallon.  That being said, I still prefer the international standard of
the Metric system... trying to much of anything in imperial units becomes
pretty futile and inevitably pointless.  Even so, the thou or mil
(thousandth of an inch) still plays an important role in dimensioning
(industrial applications)... I guess it's nice to be able to switch between
the two without much thought.

Anyway. I see both sides of this equation. Just prefer the Metric one... and
so does Audi !:)

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Ed Kellock
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 5:04 PM
To: 'Louis-Alain Richard'; 'George Selby'; quattro at
Subject: RE: The feds are still determined to get my car

I don't agree.  I think mpg is more intuitive.  As you get better, you can
go farther on a gallon of gas.  Also a bit more glass-half-full than the
other way around.

Each manner of measuring aids easy comparison of fuel consumption from one
vehicle to another, just not between the two manners of measuring, but
that's really not an issue, is it?

We tried to go metric a long time ago and it just didn't take.


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Louis-Alain Richard
Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 2:50 PM
To: 'George Selby'; quattro at
Subject: RE: The feds are still determined to get my car

There was an interesting debate here about you Staters recently, a debate
about the way you express fuel consumption. About everywhere in the world,
mileage is volume/distance : liters per hundred kilometres being the
standard almost everywhere. 

On the other side, you express it in distance per volume. And this render
comparison and calculation more difficult. And this doesn't promote the
switch to a more fuel efficient vehicle.

Let see with your example : the formula for US gallon is :

235/mpg = liters/100km

Truck example :
10 mpg is 23.5 L/100km
16 mpg is 14.7 L/100km
Gain of 8.8 L/100km. 

Car example :
18 mpg is 14.7 L/100km
28 mpg is 8.4 L/100km.
Gain of 6.3 L/100km

Expressed like that, gains are obvious. If you drive 500 km a week, at 1$ a
liter (here in QC), the truck driver would gain 44$ a week, where the car
driver would only gain 32$ a week. Times 52, that's big money at the end of
the year.

But all of that will soon be superfluous since electric cars won't burn fuel
at all. Zero liters/100km? 
Or 230 mpg, as GM wants us to think of the Volt ?

No, we should harmonize energy consumption in cost per distance per country.
That would take into consideration premium/regular/diesel/ discrepancies, as
well as the real cost of the kW of electricity.

Maybe that way we'll interest people in more efficient vehicle ?


-----Message d'origine-----

At 03:00 PM 8/13/2009, you wrote:

It's a relative thing.  If you are trading in a F-250 with a 460 that 
gets 10 mpg in on a Hummer that gets 16 mpg, that's a significant 
amount of gas being saved, almost twice more per 1000 miles than a 
person with a car that gets 18 mpg trading it in on a car that gets 
28 mpg.  

George Selby 

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