Audi 90 20v Radiator Help

Gsidman gsidman at
Sat Aug 22 12:39:22 PDT 2009

The 20v radiator has a few unique and subtle features.  I have used a 10v
radiator by having a local shop install the 1" hose nipples for the aux
radiator.  However, the top of the 10v radiator does not have all the
clearance it needs to get the steering pump hoses by comfortably.
Eventually, and at about 260,000 miles, I installed the correct 20v
radiator.  The other issue with these beasties is that, when the water pump
goes out, and evacuates the cooling system water, the thermal shock usually
cracks the top hose nipple, which is almost impossible to repair. 

The other wrinkle is, if you have shop fiddle with the radiator, have them
install a half inch nipple on the radiator bottom, to which you can attach a
short hose and valve, so you can drain the entire system. 

George Sidman
Chairman & CTO
WebLOQ, Inc.
2801 Montery Highway
Monterey, CA  93940
Office     831 372-2600
Mobile    831 601-1776

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