Decision time

Henry A Harper III hah at
Mon Jan 12 18:50:06 PST 2009

I put some 1/2" under-carpet (house carpet) felt under the back seat and
cargo area carpeting in my GTI, it made the straight-through Techtonics
2.25" stainless (one cherry bomb/resonator, one dynomax muffler) almost as
quiet inside the car as the stock exhaust which had rusted off. Having the
back seat up and cargo cover installed helps a bit as well, but I am often
driving around with bikes or skis inside.

> Very true.  When I did a (fairly large) sound system in my MK2, I
> dynmatted
> the WHOLE thing.  The doors needed several layers.  Probably
> added a couple
> of hundred lbs, but make the car a LOT quieter.
> From experience in both the MK2 and MK3 Golfs (GTis, GTiVR6es),
> most of the
> road noise comes from the cevern around the rear wheel well.  Dynamat (and
> some foam) that area and you'll reduce easily 50% of the tire/road noise.
> Mark Rosenkrantz
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at> wrote:
> > Mk2 golfs are noisy noisy noisy. The engines are really loud
> and thrashy at
> > high rpm. You've forgotten about that.
> >
> > There is also very little in the way of sound insulation in a Mk2. Your
> > 9-2x is a lot more refined.
> >
> > Taka
> >
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