need help with my van

mike mikemk40 at
Mon Jun 15 03:41:36 PDT 2009

Don’t know the vehicle in question but generally changing upper and lower ball joints is on the easy end of the shade tree mechanic spectrum. 

They’ll either be riveted or bolted to the arms, drill/chisel the rivets, new ones bolt in, he’ll need a “splitter” to free the taper non-destructively but if they are toast anyway then a hammer will do the job. Mark them so the new ones go back in the same position. Basically, as someone else said, buy a book and decide on ability. Also note that on some cars aftermarket complete arms are available for much the same cost as the ball joints so that’s worth checking too.

I’m suspicious that the ball joints weren’t noticed when the idler was diagnosed so a second opinion would be a good idea, maybe the original shop has a boat payment due or are pissed they didn’t get the idler job.

--- On Sun, 14/6/09, Fay Kelley <iceisit at> wrote:

> From: Fay Kelley <iceisit at>
> Subject: need help with my van
> To: quattro at
> Date: Sunday, 14 June, 2009, 9:26 PM
> Hi
> this isn't an Audi question but have
> been on the list for years so hoping
> I can get some slack  :-)
> '88 Dodge van
> had it in a shop for
> harmonic balancer
> (never heard of that part
> but it runs much better)
> and he said I needed idler
> arm
> hubby replaced that then
> took it to shop to have it
> aligned
> they said I needed upper and lower
> balls joints and strut arms, etc.
> estimate of $900 or so.
> Are ball joints something that my
> hubby can do safely ?
> Are special tools needed ?
> How long does it take to do
> upper and lower balls joints ?
> the front end work they
> estimated looked from their
> paperwork to take all day .... are
> they giving me mechanic rate book
> to charge the max ?
> they would not do the alignment
> claiming this work needed to be
> done first .... also they would not let
> me back in the shop area to see that
> car parts up on the hoist ... weird.
> I know that someone on our list might
> not know an alternative mechanic in
> Sedona or Flagstaff, but am wondering
> if anyone might recommend a
> trust worthy shop in Pheonix ?
> Any other recommendations for the
> front end work ?
> thanks ~
> -- 
> Cheers,  Fay
> "Life is Good !"
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