Blasted Alarm!

Mark Rosenkrantz speedracer.mark at
Tue Jun 23 10:19:44 PDT 2009

I did make it into Mensa... but I've experienced this very thing on my S4.
I only used the magic defeat button when leaving someone (or my dog) in the
car.   =)

Anyhow, some adjustment solved this issue.... back in 2001 or so.  ;-)

If you're too lazy to read the owner's manual, the defeat button (very low
on the driver's side B pillar) works this way:
Push once.  For the next (and only the next) alarm cycle (fob press), the
interior sensors are defeated.

I.E. If you press the defeat button and lock the car, the sensors are
defeated.  If you then unlock the sensors are now "rearmed" and will be
functioning for the next alarm cycle (unless, of course... you hit the
defeat button before that cycle).  Got it?    LOL

Mark Rosenkrantz

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 12:32 PM, John Cassidy <
jcassidy at> wrote:

>  Mark is a genius!  I often leave the windows cracked and sunroof tilted
> when it’s hot out, like today, when it tripped.  The alarm has never tripped
> at night when I have it locked up tighter than a (insert inappropriate
> metaphor here)!
> Thanks Mark!

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