[urq] front seats

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Mon Oct 5 11:10:35 PDT 2009

> I just went through this, when I installed the seats from an '83 Ur Quattro into an '86
> CGT.  Yes they swapped sides on the slider brackets, and the v-bracket in the car is
> opposite direction.  Essentially Audi exchanged right side to left side with the seat
> mountings.  There are several solutions.  The easiest way I found is ..

(snipped overkill solution)

> Today , I discovered that early and later seats are incompatible . 
> My '81 has the slide lock mechanism to the outer sides , towards the doors . 
> My '87 ( coupe quattro )  seats have the lever on the other side , towards the tunnel .
> No big deal to either move the lock mechanisme or the lever to the other side .  But it
> was something I didn't expect . 
> And the seat belts are incompatible to.  So I' ll have to swap those as well. 

Everything that needs to be done can be done with hand tools - all the 
parts that matter can be unbolted from one seat and moved to the other, 
including the seat belt latch thing.  Or you can swap in the belts that 
go with the seats, a bit more work.

I had to do this with one set of seats I swapped into my 82 coupe, can't 
remember if it was the grey leather 4kq seats (probably) or the brown 
leather Urq seats, though...

Huw Powell



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