Broken Pinch Bolt Help

mike mikemk40 at
Mon Sep 14 13:59:41 PDT 2009

I had this not so long ago, the way I resolved it was…..

1.Snap the head off (you’ve done that bit already)
2.Heat the bolt “tube” to a nice red colour
3.Use an impact wrench on the remaining nut which will pull the remains of the bolt out, with spacers once you run out of thread.

On the other side I ran out of gas and didn’t get it hot enough so the impact wrench sheared the bolt. Then the whole lot had to come off, once in the vice I used a saw (might have been grinder) to cut sections out of the bolt leaving smaller bits which are easier to remove. ie cut 10mm out of the bolt, drift the remaining bit inwards so you close the 10mm gap up, cut again to get another 10mm gap and repeat. Once the two end bits are out you can do the same for the middle bit. It’s a pain but you’ll get there eventually.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at
> [mailto:quattro-bounces at]
> On
> Behalf Of mkb
> Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 1:18 PM
> To: quattro at
> Subject: Broken Pinch Bolt Help
> Started working on changing the CV joints on my 99 A6q over
> the weekend.
> Was trying to get the upper pinch bolt off which I think
> holds the upper
> control arms onto the hub housing.
> Anyway, I'm on the drivers side, I've removed the rotor and
> was trying to
> remove the upper pinch bolt.  It's real hard to
> loosen.  I'm thinking of
> soaking it with PB Blaster, but nah, I'm an idiot.  I
> take a breaker bar to
> it and slowly try to loosen it.  And then the bolt
> head just breaks off.
> Arrgghhh.  Why didn't I just soak it overnight and try
> again in the morning?
> Why?
> So now the pinch bolt is still in there with one end
> sticking out (about 1
> 1/2") and the other end broken off.  Any suggestions
> as to how I remove
> this?
> I'm thinking of attaching two bolts on the end with the
> thread sticking out
> and try to loosen it that way.  Anyone know the
> dimension of the pinch bolt?
> Any other ideas before I screw this up completely?
> thx
> --
> mohammed
> 99 A6 28q avant
> 97 A4 18tqa
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