Broken Pinch Bolt Help

Cody Forbes cody at
Mon Sep 14 18:38:38 PDT 2009

This is a VERY VERY common occurance. We stock these bolts because  
they are nearly always damaged. Even if the nut isn't rusted on, the  
bolt itself is usually rusted nearly in half. ALL READERS TAKE NOTE!

To get the bolt out once the head or nut is off just drive it out with  
a punch and a hammer or suitable substitute.

-Cody (mobile)

On Sep 14, 2009, at 1:18 PM, mkb <mkb125 at> wrote:

> Started working on changing the CV joints on my 99 A6q over the  
> weekend.  Was trying to get the upper pinch bolt off which I think  
> holds the upper control arms onto the hub housing.
> Anyway, I'm on the drivers side, I've removed the rotor and was  
> trying to remove the upper pinch bolt.  It's real hard to loosen.   
> I'm thinking of soaking it with PB Blaster, but nah, I'm an idiot.   
> I take a breaker bar to it and slowly try to loosen it.  And then  
> the bolt head just breaks off.  Arrgghhh.  Why didn't I just soak it  
> overnight and try again in the morning?  Why?
> So now the pinch bolt is still in there with one end sticking out  
> (about 1 1/2") and the other end broken off.  Any suggestions as to  
> how I remove this?
> I'm thinking of attaching two bolts on the end with the thread  
> sticking out and try to loosen it that way.  Anyone know the  
> dimension of the pinch bolt?
> Any other ideas before I screw this up completely?
> thx
> --
> mohammed
> 99 A6 28q avant
> 97 A4 18tqa
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