Motor won't start after Timing Belt & Cam Adjuster gasket replacement (2...

Fri Sep 18 15:41:55 PDT 2009

>>> You might want to try using some fresh fuel.  (Pump out the old first)

Don't have a fuel storage problem in my garage, it never gets over 65  F, 
even on the hottest days. 

>>>Shouldn't be an issue in a modern car, the fuel systems  are very well>
>>>sealed..and even old gas will start the car, most  likely.
I tend to agree, especially in my garage. 

>>>I would go over the engine looking for loose vacuum  lines and the
>>>like.  A missing fuel pressure regulator  control line will dump a ton
>>>of fuel into the car.
I will take a look the fuel pressure regulator., but the plugs are  just a 
little damp, not drowned, 'about what you would expect after cranking for  
30 sec. I am going to throw a new set in, just to be sure.

>>>I would also check to see if all the values for the  various sensors,
>>>as reported by VAG-COM, make sense..though I  would expect such a new
>>>engine to throw a fault code if any were  left unplugged, etc.
I wish I knew more about using Vag-Com. I'm trying to self instruct and it  
goes slow. Just made a list of all the Measuring blocks that pertain to my 
AHA  engine. If it doesn't start with the new plugs, I'll start going thru 
them. (I  think I can only watch 3 at a time) Maybe something will show up. 
If  someone knows the most important ones to look at, let me know.

>>>For older cars, you had to crank them a  certain length of time to
>>>guarantee a fault code.  Is this  the case with the newer cars?  

This is a good question.

>>>If you have the Bentley, go through the no-start  flowchart.

I can't seem to find anything in the Bently, The logic they use as to where 
 to put information never makes no sense to me. 

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