4kq exhaust replacement woes

Christopher G. Mason njroadfan at gmail.com
Sun Sep 20 12:30:49 PDT 2009

So inspection is overdue on the ye olde 1987 Audi 4kq and the crappy 
rear ANSA muffler is pretty much toast. To address the issue for good I 
managed to score a full cat back Stebro SS exhaust for $200. The problem 
I'm having is installation. Searching the archives reveals that using a 
hacksaw or Sawzall is a preferred way to attack the rusted blobs that 
were nuts and bolts where the center section meets the cat. Problem is, 
how the heck does one get at the TOP nut and bolt, there is zero room 
here. Needless to say, stainless steel hardware is going in its place, 
which brings another question. How does one easily get at the bolts that 
join the center and rear sections (over the rear axle) to tighten them up?

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