Loose ball bearings by flywheel?

Ben Swann benswann at verizon.net
Mon Sep 28 19:13:59 PDT 2009


You need new throuwout/clutch release (Thrust) bearing.  Parts being cheap compared to
labor, you should do it all:
Clutch Disk;  Pressure Plate; Flywheel - assess and R/R as needed with new pin(s);
release bearing bushing/slider; throwout bearing yoke ( a hole starts to machine in
these; clutch slave cylinder ( and probably master is good to do to, but can do later);
drain and refill transmission oil; any other clutch wear parts and always replace those
fasteners - flywheel and pressure plate  bolts.

The job is not cheap - parts are probably in order of $400-500 and the labor ranges to
dealer cost around $900.  I would do it myself, or find some enthustiast to do it right
and pay to have done right.  Many shops will do minimum necessary, so almost better to
find a reputable private individual who will be methodical, clean and assess other jobs
to be done while in there.

It may seem like a lot and the false economics IMO is to say it isn't worht it since the
book valu on the car isn't always that high.  However, see how lmuch service the
original got. Also by rolling jobs together, you may save money in the long run.  

If you can afford upgrades now is the time - do suspension; shocks, bushings, etc. if
pulling the trans, or replace turbo lines, engine mounts, timing belt if pulling engine
from front.  I generally let the "other things" help dictate  which way to proceed,
since either way is a big expensive PITA.

Also, you may use logic to buy another car with the money taken to do these repairs, but
how do you know that it won't happen on that car.   If you do decide to ditch the car,
you know the engine is worth over $2K - but someone still has to pull it.  Don't fall
victim to false economics - we've had enough of that lately!

Case in point - My avant had the bearing let go at 119k which is pretty low compared to
several others I have with over 200K on the clock and had not needed a clutch yet.  So
you just don't know the day or the hour;-}



[Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 14:15:09 -0400
From: Mike <xthejuicex at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Loose ball bearings by flywheel?
To: Claus Vegener <vegener at post7.tele.dk>
Cc: 200q20v at audifans.com
	<592a96020909281115s771a0b00uba4835d855761f7b at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Thanks for all the ideas. Does this mean that I will need a new clutch or
flywheel? Also, how hard is that to change by yourself as I can't afford to
take it to a dealer.


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