water pump mounting plate pitted

Ed Kellock ed.kellock at msn.com
Tue Sep 29 19:53:54 PDT 2009

I'm doing the timing belt, etc. on the Coupe GT.  The area where the water
pump o-ring seals is slightly pitted.  I smoothed it down and cleaned it up
with a sanding block and I still have a couple of spots where there is some
light pitting.  I was thinking about using some high-temp JB Weld to smooth
it out.  Is there something else that would be better?  Is there some water
pump oriented stuff that would be more appropriate?  I didn't think I should
use any sort of gasket sealer because the water pump has to move to tension
the belt.  I didn't think I could rely on the o-ring to seal reliably over
time even though the pitting is really very minor.
Thanks in advance for input and/or suggestions.

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