water pump mounting plate pitted

Joshua Van Tol josh at spiny.com
Wed Sep 30 06:09:01 PDT 2009


You've got two options:

1.) assemble with silicone sealant and work fast. Once the belt is
tensioned, you shouldn't need to adjust it until the next replacement.
2.) As you suggested, use JB weld. It works really well in this type of
application. The VW Vanagon nut cases were using it to fix pits in cylinder
head surfaces with good success, so it should be just fine for a water pump
surface. I'd say fill the pits slightly past full, let it set, and then
block sand it smooth and level.

Actually there's a third option, involving brazing or welding, but I think
that's too much work...

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 9:53 PM, Ed Kellock <ed.kellock at msn.com> wrote:

> I'm doing the timing belt, etc. on the Coupe GT.  The area where the water
> pump o-ring seals is slightly pitted.  I smoothed it down and cleaned it up
> with a sanding block and I still have a couple of spots where there is some
> light pitting.  I was thinking about using some high-temp JB Weld to smooth
> it out.  Is there something else that would be better?  Is there some water
> pump oriented stuff that would be more appropriate?  I didn't think I
> should
> use any sort of gasket sealer because the water pump has to move to tension
> the belt.  I didn't think I could rely on the o-ring to seal reliably over
> time even though the pitting is really very minor.
> Thanks in advance for input and/or suggestions.
> Ed
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