Rear differential lock always on

Cody Forbes cody at
Sun Apr 25 16:56:33 PDT 2010

That's a torsen thing. The torsen is locking up because of the wheel  
speed differentials caused by the sharp steering angle. People tend to  
call it "torsen shudder". My A8q does it too (as should all torsen  
equipped cars).

-Cody (mobile)

On Apr 25, 2010, at 7:27 PM, Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:

> My '89 90Q does that, with the lock not engaged.  It probably  
> shouldn't
> but it does.  Every day when I do a full lock (steering) 180 degree  
> turn
> to leave my parking lot.  I ignore it.  My Chebby truck does it  
> too.  I
> ignore that as well. I ignore a lot of things that would otherwise
> bother me.
> (resisted urge to sign with four tildes...)
> Radek wrote:
>> H'Audi;
>> Car is a 1988 90Q.  A question I couldn't find the answer to in the  
>> Bentley:  is the rear differential lock actuator on when pulled or  
>> when pushed by the vacum thingy?  The car has a shudder coming from  
>> the rear end when turning at slow speed.  At highway speeds, no  
>> issue.
>> TIA
>> Radek
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