4000S Quattro, 1985, 160000 miles. *** Hesitation ****

Rick Liotta FPL.Inc at Alaska.net
Wed Feb 10 21:01:10 PST 2010

4000S Quattro, 1985, 160000 miles.  *** Hesitation ****


I have had this issue for years!

The (cold) car starts fine.  

As it warms up the following happens-it hesitates!  Badly!   When
accelerating from a standing stop, you must "pump" the gas-else--- it will
hesitate, maybe "pop" and feel like it will stall.

Mileage is also poor--- less than 20 rather than 24 or so.

Power and performance (once moving) is GREAT!  It still beats anything on
the road up here (IN THE WINTER!)

Can anyone help??


Thanks a lot--- Rick 
in Anchorage, AK

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