[s-cars] VLAC

Mark J. Besso mbspeed at maxboostracing.com
Tue Jan 12 19:05:56 PST 2010

Thus another good reason to use the universal bean-bag mount that's been 
mentioned by others.  It leaves no "rings" on your windshield and the 
entire unit can still be hidden away when parking in dubious areas.

I'd used Tom-Tom units and Garmin units for everything from local routes 
to cross-country trips.  I can say from personal experience that the 
Garmin's are superior in virtually every scenario.


Brett Dikeman wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 7:54 PM,  <djdawson2 at aol.com> wrote:
>>  To me, this is a must have, as it makes removal and tucking the unit
>> into your glovebox a snap.
> If you leave the mount out, you're going to come back to a broken
> window, a crowbar'd glovebox, and no GPS.
> The problem is so widespread, many police departments are setting up
> units that focus just on navigation unit thefts.  It's like the days
> before stereos had lockouts, only worse- no tools required, super
> portable.
> You HAVE to remove EVERYTHING from sight.  Some police departments
> have reported that hoods will break into cars where they can see rings
> on the windshield from the suction cup mount.  They're not stupid...
> -B
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