Subject: Re: Need help picking C5 A6 or 02-04 A4? NOW :cargo room.

tom at tom at
Wed Jul 14 21:55:31 PDT 2010

On 7/14/10 6:50 PM, " ody at> wrote:

>Funny, I have remarked that my A8q is possibly too little for us with only 1
kid (4yrs). The issue isn't leg room or anything like that, but cargo.

Two words: Rocket Box.

Thule and Yakima make racks and boxes that substantially increase the load
capacity, but take less than 10 minutes to install/remove once the system is

Boxes are perfect for road trips. Or carrying a lot of ski gear on a
seasonal basis (my program).

Check Craig's List or gear resellers like Play It Again Sports to find used
product. Build your system with used stuff (crossbars/box/accessories) but
buy the specific adaptors/feet new from a retail outlet to ensure the right

Almost any vehicle will benefit from a well thought out rack system as
wet/dirty gear stays out of the car, comfort for passengers is assured and
you can lock things in a rocket (or other box) out of sight, so no one knows
if there's anything in there (vs leaving inside vehicle).

Tom 96 S6 Avant

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