Looking for some help...

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Fri Mar 26 06:55:00 PDT 2010

You have three things to check, always:

- gas
- fuel
- air

Somehow, this sounds like intermittent fuel.  Pump?  Filter?

Happy chasing

On Mar 26, 2010, at 8:52 AM, Kyle D. Ledford wrote:

> OK.. I haven't been too active on the list lately.  more lurking.  Having
> recently entered the world of the unemployed I am trying to diagnose a
> problem that showed up before I go to the shop. My 2001 A6 2.8Q has started
> an interesting problem. It is not consistent. The car when warmed up will
> idle down and stall..   It also occasionally will feel like it is going to
> quit while driving. Almost like a miss but I don't think it is missing. I
> had a plug go bad back last summer and know what the miss felt like..this is
> different.. It's almost like the car stops and then starts right back up
> instantly. I replaced all the plugs last summer(late July)..  
> I guess I am looking for where to start with this one.  I haven't done much
> work on this car.  and I have been lazy (or too busy with work ) to do what
> I have had done myself so I am looking to attack this with my time (free
> Labor)  if possible before I take it in to the shop. 
> Any guidance on where to start would help.  
> Thanks
> Kyle
> 2001 A6Q
> 1990 CQ
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Grant Lenahan
glenahan at vfemail.net

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