2001 allroad torque converter issue

jeremiah at curryclan.net jeremiah at curryclan.net
Fri Mar 26 15:57:45 PDT 2010

Hope you have better luck that I did.  Just bought a 2001 Allroad for $7700, a
few months later it wouldn't back up.  Long story short, $5,000 for a full
transmission rebuild due to bad revers drum, torque converter, and some other
the good news is they said there have been upgrades to a lot of the parts, so
once you get it rebuilt with the new pieces, the Tranny should be pretty

On March 26, 2010 at 4:37 AM George <gsidman at webloq.com> wrote:

> Gents:      My 2001 allroad at 117,000 miles keeps throwing the torque
> converter code, but everything is running fine.  My wrench put in new front
> O2 sensors today and the rears were replaced just before Christmas. He
> cleared the codes but the TC code showed up again this evening. Is the any
> BTDT or remedial action I can take to cure this or stall the inevitable
> replacement??
> George Sidman
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