Foggy windows

Snoopy snoopy at
Wed Mar 31 08:20:56 PDT 2010

> Sounds like a heater core leak. The heater core is a very nasty job to
> replace (DIY) or very costly to have someone else do it. I did the heater core
> on my '88 80 and told myself ....... next time I will try Bars Leak first!
> It  may work and you have saved yourself a lot of grief or $'s.... or it may
> work  for awhile and that will buy you some time....... or it may plug up
> your  radiator but you probably need a new one anyway. Next time I have a
> heater core  leak I will do everything possible to eliminate removing the
> entire inside of my  car.

Yeah,  I'm  already  familiar  with this entertaining procedure, but I
hope I'll manage without removing the whole dash.

Someone  once  said  that  when  you  start working on cooling system,
replace  as  much as you can. It is so true. System needs pressure for
effective cooling, so when you fix one place, another weakest point
gives up. After I patched a leaking radiator, one hose fractured. When
I replaced all front hoses, heater valve exploded. Fixed it, so now
only heater and it's hoses need replacement to finish complete system
rebuild :)


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