1983 Audi Coupe GT - Engine stalls on quick acceleration

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Tue May 18 13:27:21 PDT 2010

David Giannandrea wrote:
> AudiCpGT says:
> "I wanted to check and see what happens with spark during the event.  I
> hooked up my timing light, find steady strobe on idle... rev'd up the engine
> slowly, strobe sped up normally.  From idle, quickly opened the throttle,
> the strobe sped up, and when engine cut-out the strobe continued to
> pulse... SO, I surmised that the ignition system is NOT the  issue.  Spark
> is being generated at time of stall."
> I still suspect spark. The timing light will strobe even if the spark is
> weak. Under load you get big compression and need a strong spark. Hi RPM
> isn't the same as high load. I suggest the spark is insufficient. Get it
> scoped or test the coils.

For about $10 at any FLAPS you can get an in-line spark tester thing. 
Very nice to have around.

I agree that high rpms =/= quick acceleration.  You've already told us 
you can get up to red line on the road if you do it slowly, so it's not 
an rpm-related issue.

Huw Powell



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