'96 A6q - spongy brake pedal feel, MC or caliper?

Eyvind E. Spangen espangen at gmail.com
Sat May 22 14:07:28 PDT 2010

Problem solved! :)

Turned out to be the rear calipers, or at least one, in addition to some air
bubbles. The RR caliper piston retracted when I let go of the pedal,
something inside had to be messed up. The LR caliper had no e-brake
function. I replaced both rear calipers, both front brake hoses (cracked)
and bled the brakes the old fashioned way, and now everything seems to be
working just fine! :) Now I just have to replace the e-brake cables, then I
can try the inspection..

Thanks a lot for the tips! :)

Eyvind E. Spangen

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