[s-cars] No Start ABY/AAN engine - Problem Found?

John Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Sat Oct 2 18:37:07 PDT 2010

Inline replies....

On Oct 2, 2010, at 4:02 PM, "Ben Swann" <benswann at verizon.net> wrote:

> Scott, All,
> I am considering doing this - anything beats pulling the trans out again.  So I have a few questions and other possible solutions to run by you.
> First, on the reference pin for the 3B flywheel - looks like  I need to match the exact point to get the pin in order for timing to be dead on within a degree of rotation or so I understand that this is a critical location with no tolerance for error - correct? 

Correct, a degree at worst. 

> At first measure using spare 3B flywheel aligned on top of original AAN flywheel as reference, the new pin would need to be located in the same spot as the pin that locates the pressure plate.  I presume this is hardened steel and I'd be drilling through the locating pin and through the hole the pressure plate already has drilled.  Where exactly did you locate the pin when you did yours?   Any clues that I can see from behind the flywheel?  Did you in fact end up drilling through the orignal locating pin? 
> Can I use a good grade 8mm stud, drill and tap and screw the bolt/stud in, or is a pin that much better?  I just feel a threaded stud with red locktit would be more secure than a roll pin.  When you say 11mm - is that the diameter of the pin or you mean the amount of pin protruding from the flywheel surface?

Diameter of the pin should be 3mm IIRC, factory protrusion from the flywheel is 11mm IIRC and 12.5 is as much as you can go before it hits the block. A 8mm bolt will have two problems that I can think of. One is that not being hardened AND having much more mass will cause the bolt to bend outward under the centrifugal force. Also the extra mass will throw the flywheel out of balance much more than a small pin. If installed properly (drilled underside on a mill and them teamed to final size) the pins are very difficult to remove. I've just been here with my COP system using 5 dowel pins on my black Audi.


-Cody (mobile)

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