Hot Start Problem

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Mon Oct 11 17:22:27 PDT 2010

dumb idea.  o2 sensor. When cold its over-ridden and runs (badly) rich.

I think on older cars liek yours you can disconnect the 02 to test.

On Oct 11, 2010, at 8:18 PM, Vincent Gelinas wrote:

>   Hello all,
> I'm new to this and to the Audi world.  I just bought a 1989 90q with
> the 10v NG engine.  When I drove her home, she was okay under light
> throttle, but under more than, say 1/3 would cause her to stall and I
> couldn't restart her for about 10 minutes.  I found out she didn't  
> like
> to start when even a little hot.  When the engine is cold, she usually
> starts right away.  Once she is hot, she won't fire.  Cranks, but  
> won't
> fire.  And still, the problem with stalling upon application of
> throttle.  I just replaced the fuel filter and she still does it.
> Occasionally, she will fire, misfire so badly she won't go over 400  
> or so, then die.  Or start for a second then die.  Again, once she  
> cools
> down, she is okay.
> I really appreciate your help in this matter.
> Vincent
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