Anyone having trouble getting their messages spam blocked

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Thu Oct 14 13:00:29 PDT 2010

I have had similar experiences.  I am subscribed from an MSN account
and a Gmail account and it seems to hang up on the MSN messages more
so than GMail, but yes, I have recent experience with very simple
messages being caught for moderator approval.


On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 4:30 AM, rob <rob3 at> wrote:
>    Hi Gang,
>    I just tried to post a question as to how to dismantle the screen washer jets on my old Audi 100 (type 44) and I got a msg back saying it was blocked pending moderator approval due to being spam rated.
>    Seems a bit harsh for a two line enquiry from a long time member of the list and moderate poster.
>    Any hints as to how to improve my chances of getting a message below the spam radar?
>    Hoping someone gets this message!!
>    Thanks Rob.
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