Electricals Again (Radio)

Ales ragtop at gmail.com
Mon Oct 18 18:53:08 PDT 2010

Mohammed writes:
> OK, so I was able to locate a ground close to the fuse panel on the left hand
> side of the vehicle.
> So when I measure from the input (red wire +30) to the ground I get about
> 12.5V.  If I measure from the other terminal in the fuse i.e. the red/blue wire
> (going out I assume) to the ground point, I get about 1.6V.
> I'm not sure what this means.  I would think the 12.5V is good.  Not sure about
> the 1.6V.  Any ideas, 'casue I'm not sure what I'm doing, but I'm getting to
> know more about this car, he/she/it or whatever it is at this point.

I'm not completely sure I understand where you are measuring voltage, but if
the red wire with +12.5v is on one side of the fuse, and the red/blue
wire with 1.6v
and dropping is on the other side of the fuse, your problem is almost
certainly a
bad fuse.  Likely it conducts some electricity until it heats up, at
which point its
resistance increases causing the drop in voltage.
- Ales

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