Bolt head sizes

Peter Orban orbanp1 at
Sun Oct 24 13:06:07 PDT 2010

Well, VW Mexico started "downsizing" the bolt heads a lot earlier. We are working on my son's '91 Golf, made in Mexico, and it has all sorts of weird head sizes. For good measure, and I kid you not, there is even a 1/2" head thrown in, for the fine threaded M8 bolt that secures the knock sensor to the engine block (and it is not a rusted 12mm head)!


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2010 12:08:54 -0400
From: John Cody Forbes <cody at>
Subject: Re: Could someone do a quick ETKA check for me? audi audi
    audi full    of audi content fcol
To: rob <rob3 at>
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I can tell, Huw, that your experience on these cars stops about 1996 or so at the latest ;-). VAG decided they could save $0.00001 per bolt or something and moved down one head size on the larger bolts. You'll find 12, 16, and 18mm bolts on the newer cars and very few 17's and 19's. There's even been a 21mm here and there!

-Cody (mobile)

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