Re. Ignition Coil

Ben Swann benswann at
Tue Oct 26 14:49:57 PDT 2010

Well the answer is both Yes and No.

Yes you can interchange the cylindrical coil from NF/NG and some others with the mounted
ignition booster for the Squarish one with similar ignition booster.

No, or most likely no you can't use the one from the Jetta - at least bets are off on
that.   I tried doing that - using one of several AUDI coils from various, including NG,
5000 Turbo, 200 turbo - all of these are interchangeable "funtionality-wise" between the
various Audis - BTDT.

The problem was they did not work for the Eurovan which has variation on Digifant engine
management and uses a different coil booster.  The primary output from the ECU is
different and may not work due to too low of voltage to get a decent spark  The plug was
different too, so did not just plug in. I had to make a special pigtail adaptor.   That
was using the Audi coil in the Eurovan and so I expect the Eurovan coil wants a higher
primary from the ECU.  You may find the VW one seems to work just fine on the AUDI,
however you may also be loading the coil drivers on the ECU or some other mismatch that
burns out a component later.

I'd hazard a guess, that if the plug is the same and just plugs in then it ought to work
fine, and if the plugs are different - this was done on purpose to keep from accidently
using the wrong coil and not to have exclusive rights to a proprietary part.

I don't know if the Jetta ABA uses some sort of coil driver or transistor booster
(usually mounted on the side).  If there is no transistor mounted to the coil and wires
are labeled 1 and 15, then probably you can interchange coils, but that is just an
eductaed guess.


[Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 17:07:52 -0400
From: Vincent Gelinas <vrgelinas at>
Subject: Ignition Coil
To: quattro at
Message-ID: <4CC5F1A8.7090907 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi, All!

I think I may have found a large part of my problem.  One of the posts on my coil is
bad.  The right side (where the blue wire attaches to the coil) is completely shot.  I
tried to tighten the nuts on there to see if they were just loose, and the entire post
is loose (can wiggle a couple mm up and down).  I think, but am not sure, that it being
that loose is not a good thing.  

Does anyone know if a flat ignition coil can be used vs the cylindrical type that's in
the 90 (NG) because I have one laying around from my old Jetta (ABA).

Thanks in advance,


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