V8 Quattro Transmission install in 200

John Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Sat Sep 18 14:29:21 PDT 2010

I vote tapping the holes and installing AN fittings. The pressure is low, but I don't know how low (I'd guess well under 30psi). Just cover the tap in grease so the metal chips stick to the tap and don't fall in the trans. Clean the tap often and apply new grease. AN-8 would be the size you need.

-Cody (mobile)

On Sep 18, 2010, at 4:04 PM, "Ben Swann" <benswann at verizon.net> wrote:

> I'm still trying to get lines and fittings to adapt to this V8 transmission.  I source a
> set of lines from Chris at Force5, but they must be from a different version of car as
> the lines don't bend in correct dierctions.  That is OK since my plan was to make lines
> if I can source the fittings.
> However, even these fittings don't seem to mate easily.  My question is:  How much of a
> force fit are the lines that go into the V8 Quattro five speed transmission - model
> years are around '92.   The hole diameters are around 12mm.  The hole in the rear of the
> trans has no O-ring - just a drilled hole apparently and a bolt hole to keep the line
> fitting in place. 
> The hole in the oil pump - located near the axle flange, is similar size, but has an
> O-ring.  I have one line from a car - I don't know where, but this seems to be correct
> line.  It is a braided line with straight pipe and an o-ring recess.
> I know I'm lacking information on this project.  It did not occur to me that the
> transmission oil cooler connections would use anything but a flare fitting or some
> fitting that screws in to the pump   The fittings on the lines I got from Chris seem
> more like Air Conditioner fittings.
> I'm wondering if I am making up my own lines, why not tap the rear return line and
> install a barb or nipple fitting. How much pressure are we talking about here?
> Any experts by BTDT means or other school or knocks?
> ScottD?
> Ben
>> _____________________________________________ 
>> From:    Ben Swann [mailto:benswann at verizon.net] 
>> Sent:    Sunday, September 12, 2010 1:54 PM
>> To:    '200q20V mailing list'
>> Cc:    'quattro at audifans.com'; 'Ben Swann'; 'Scott DeWitt'
>> Subject:    V8 Quattro Transmission install in 200
>> I'm in process of installing 5-Speed transmission from V8 Quattro and am running into
>> some difficulties I did not foresee.  The original transmission input shaft sheared.
>> I got the car after transmission was removed - the P.O. sold it too me when he got the
>> uber high estimate to install a replacement transmission. 
>> Anyway, the main issues I'm having involve the transmission oil cooler parts.   There
>> is a pump cover mounted to the transmission that interferes with the downpipe flange
>> right side.   This cover is where one of the oil cooler lines attaches.
>> The whole transmission in fact was nearly impossible to fit above the dual oulet
>> downpipe, but so far I've managed to do that, figuring the other trans came out so I
>> should be able to get this one in.  I managed to clear the dual downpipe flanges and
>> move bellhousing to about 2" from the engine, but now the one of the downpipe flanges
>> is jamming on the oil pump cover where the line attaches.
>> I think I need to disconnect the downpipe to continue installation, but want to make
>> sure there are no more ugly snags.  I understood that this was a doable conversion and
>> others might know more about caveats on the install.
>> Also, what kind of fittings go into the trans?  There seems to be about 12mm hole with
>> o-ring inside the pump cover.  This pump cover is located on the front bottom right
>> around the CV axle flange that may be held captive by nearby 8mm bolt, but really I
>> havn't the foggiest of what goes there and how the cooling setup is.  There is another
>> hole in the rear of the transmission.   I think the same size and type but since I
>> filled the trans with fluid, the minute I take the plastic plug cap out, fluid gushes
>> out.  So before I go any further, I need to obtain at least the fittings that go in
>> these two ports.
>> Does the trans use a separate cooler?  ETKA pictures are not clear and show lines
>> going the engine radiator - that can't be right. 
>> Anyone have fittings and lines?  It might be good to use a bypass line for now untill
>> I can source the correct cooler and line setup.  Would use of a bypass line
>> restricted/unrestricted be a problem?
>> Any more information on doing this install would be appreciated.  So far I have beat
>> myself up good on this install and presently it is jammed in the tunnel.
>> TIA,
>> Ben
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