RV question

Fay Kelley iceisit at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 19 19:43:27 PDT 2010

Well the deal feel through for this week so my
Audi will have to wait a while ... perhaps I can get
my listing sold this Fall.

At any rate .... we were thinking of buying an RV
for a great price from a friend of a friend in
Jim's ham radio club ... but I find out tonight
that it sat in the desert by their house
for perhaps 5 years and they cannot get it
started -- she thinks because it ran out of

How I thought one was supposed to put
one doesn't drive a vehicle.

What sort of engine problems will result
from letting a vehicle sit for 5 years
in hot arid desert with no stabilizer in
the gas tank?

Thanks ~  Fay

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