Disabled Radio

urq urq at pacbell.net
Sat Apr 16 15:13:28 PDT 2011

The starter is drawing down the battery voltage ... since you report a new
starter we will start elsewhere ... but even a new starter can have

Since you have a T44 the first suspect would be the crimp in the power line
from the battery through the firewall in the passenger footwell.  

If you haven't done so already check the cleanliness of the battery lugs.  I
had an interesting one that caused an intermittent start problem on a 5kCSQA
... the connections at the battery were good, but the other end of the (-)
battery lead was loose where it bolted to the frame of the car.  

In order check: Battery connections, battery wire splice/crimp and starter.

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Max Hoepli
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 10:01 AM

When I start the car, it seems the starter hesitates a second and then
cranks engine over strongly, engine starts and functions, and then the radio
goes dead. I have to take out fuse and put in fuse again and input 5-digit
code in radio. Radio works again. I sprayed a bit of oil into fuse slot for
15A radio fuse

Car has new starter motor and ignition switch.

1986 Type 44 Turbo Quattro


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