[V8] lost key

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Mon Apr 18 16:11:49 PDT 2011

Ingo Rautenberg wrote:
> Did you day the keys are in the car?


I say I gave them to the significant other at her request, in case she needed to 
move the car.

S.O. contends I did no such thing.

(I always put my keys in a dish by the entry door. She drops hers wherever it is 
convenient - dining room table, kitchen counter top, living room coffee table, 
her bedroom bureau, but never that dish. I must have misplaced the key. :)

Kent McLean
1999 A4 Avant, V6 Tiptronic
1990 200 Avant mit V8 conversion
gone: too many to count, including my first, "Bad Puppy"

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