comments on 2008 a4 3.2q

Jeffrey Brown jeffrey.r.brown at
Sun Apr 24 06:18:13 PDT 2011

well if it helps in the comparison, I currently own a 2007 a3 2.0t,
previously owned a 2003 gti 1.8t, and have driven a couple of a4 q's - both
the 1.8 and the 2.0

My impression is that the a4q with either engine are pretty sloooow compared
to the lighter and less quattro'd gti and a3, hence my desire to look at the
3.2 a4's.  With the a4 2.0t's I've driven recently, it's like you mash the
pedal to the floor and you have time enough to check your email, scan the
front page of the newspaper, and maybe pick your nose before you are up to
speed on the highway.  I'm no racecar driver, but I like to feel like I can
easily get out of my own way...and the way of others, especially in
congested, high speed highway driving.

Reasons for thinking about an upgrade include larger interior
passenger dimensions and quattro for the loverly winters up north here.  And
I've got a bit of new (to me) car fever :)


On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 8:04 AM, Grant Lenahan <glenahan at> wrote:

> on that part of the topic, i always liked the 1.8t and the 2.0 is torquier.
> So i dont get that concern either.
> Grant
>  On Apr 23, 2011, at 9:23 PM, Henry A Harper III wrote:
> >
> > I had similar thoughts as Steve - depends on what your priorities are (do
> > you care about the price of gas). I've had a (stock) 2.0T manual avant
> for 6
> > months now and I wouldn't say it was anemic. Maybe not as powerful on the
> > top end as the chipped 200q20v I had for 14 years but really no
> complaints,
> > it does feel like it gets off the line better - throttle
> calibration/direct
> > injection maybe. And this morning, 34mpg (reported by trip computer
> anyway)
> > on a 65-mile round trip 20 minutes in town/30 minutes freeway per leg,
> calm
> > winds, flat roads, no traffic to interfere with cruise at/slightly above
> > speed limit.
> >
> >>
> >> 2.0t with APR Stage 1.  No more anemia and better mileage.
> >>
> >> On 4/23/2011 9:23 AM, Jeffrey Brown wrote:
> >>> considering a change and saw a nice look 2008 a4 3.2q for sale.
> >> i am not so
> >>> familiar with the 3.2 so I was wondering if you all had an
> >> opinion in terms
> >>> of reliability or known problems, or if this is an engine to avoid.
> >>>
> >>> i find the 2.0tq a bit anemic in terms of acceleration hence
> >> looking at the
> >>> 3.2's
> >>>
> >>> Thanks as always for your collective wisdom
> >
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> Grant Lenahan
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Jeffrey Brown
jeffrey.r.brown at

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