87 5000CS Avant battery cable splice

Peter Golledge petergolledge at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 06:27:44 PST 2011

You can just put new bearings (and a regulator) into the Alt if the slip 
rings look good.

On 12/11/2011 7:30 PM, Stephen Sherman wrote:
> Think I found the problem (as opposed, hopefully, to a problem).  
> Alternator rear bearing is loose, has about 1mm or more sideways play 
> in it (as measured at the pulley, by putting diagnal force on the 
> pulley/shaft).
> So my diagnosis goes that that bearing play was causing intermittent 
> drop out of the alternator. Thus the dimming lights every so often, 
> the way undercharged battery a few days ago and the random belt 
> screeches . In any case, I think this will need to be solved first and 
> I can see if that clears up the symptoms or not.
> If anyone can see a flaw in this please let me know (hopefully before 
> I get the new alt).
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