Inexpensive interface for newer CAN vehicles ?

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Sun Feb 6 17:58:10 PST 2011

there are vag-com clones on ebay, btu i feel we should support ewe.  
Plus, hsi work.

There are several code readers available all over from $40-80.  They  
suffice and are easier to use, configure, etc than vag-com (which  
requires using a PC)

There is also an iPhone app which i have not tried.

On Feb 6, 2011, at 8:46 PM, Louis-Alain Richard wrote:

> Ok, Dad got a 2008 MK5 Golf, Honey will get a 2006-08 (B6) A6 to  
> replace her
> Saab, a few friends have cars from this century, so it's time for me  
> to get
> an interface to "talk" with these new rides.
> My beloved 1983 Quattro just needs a few nice words and a voltmeter to
> reveal her wounds, but we'd been together since so long, I can  
> diagnose
> before the failure now.
> VAG-COM is the obvious choice, 250$ will get me a proper cable and the
> registered software. Not cheap, but if it's the only option, then be  
> it.
> Now, is there any other choices ? I do want to read codes and such,  
> but I'd
> prefer a setup that will let me re-program a few things, and let me  
> run the
> complete diagnosis procedure before swapping expensive parts.
> What are your solutions ?
> Louis-Alain
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