Inexpensive interface for newer CAN vehicles ?

Mark Rosenkrantz speedracer.mark at
Mon Feb 7 09:14:42 PST 2011

But if you are a DIY person, it's a total no-brainer.  And it's a specialized tool which works on 100's of cars, not one specific engine.  Here's a not-so-common scenario- I have an S4 right now in the garage who complained that his headlights were low and before he moved the adjusting screws, he wanted me to check it out.  First, you need a vag-com or factory tool to adjust the lights, and second, the problem was a failed left front leveling sensor.  Scan tool diagnosis?  About 20 minutes, tops.  IF you knew the output voltage and operating range of the sensor you could check it with an analog vom or a scope, but anything else in the system (besides the fuse) requires a factory level scan tool to diagnose.  In other words, it saves time and money by not swapping the wrong parts out.  With any DIY repair there is an up front cost of time (know-how) and equipment.  How much is a bentley manual?  Vag-coms are a cheap investment... You don't see many used ones for sale or people regretting buying them. 
Mark Rosenkrantz Typos sent from my BlackBerry.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Hoffman <auditony at>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 10:56:47 
To: <speedracer.mark at>
Cc: Grant<glenahan at>; <quattro-bounces at>; <quattro at>
Subject: Re: Inexpensive interface for newer CAN vehicles ?

For a DIY, though, it is a bit of $$. Probably not too many people on here
drop $250+ for tools on a regular basis.

But, Mark is are dead on. It's downright cheap compared to just about
anything else out there!! And, if you look at the expense of a couple of
trips to the shop vs DIY, you will recoup the cost in no time.


On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 10:13 AM, Mark Rosenkrantz <speedracer.mark at
> wrote:

> The Bosch unit is megabucks but less than the 5000 series factory VAG
> tools.  If people think Uwe Ross's products are expensive, they really have
> no clue.  Even for GM products, there's nothing like VAG-COM for anywhere
> near the price point.  And I wish there was!
> IMHO, Ross-tech is a HUGE help to the VAG community and should be
> supported.
> Mark Rosenkrantz Typos sent from my BlackBerry.

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