solar charger hook-up

Robert Myers bob at
Mon Jan 3 05:41:14 PST 2011

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I just purchased a simple gadget like you describe to retain the 
radio memory of my urS6.  Priced at about $4.xx from FLAPS.  With a 
new 9 volt battery it worked like a charm.


At 05:20 AM 1/3/2011, Huw Powell wrote:
>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
> > I use this setup with a 9V battery on one end and an accessory plug on the
> > other. When I need to disconnect the battery, I plug this setup into the
> > "lighter". The nine volts supplies power to save your radio memory and for
> > the ECU.
>I tried that, it didn't work.  Oh well.
>Huw Powell
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