new b6a4 owner -- what do I need to know?

Bill Janssen bill at
Wed Jan 12 17:40:35 PST 2011

John Larson <j.d.larson at> wrote:

> The 2.0 FSI engine has an interesting problem.  Because fuel never
> touches the intake valves, carbon builds up.  Left untreated, bits of
> carbon are prone to breaking off and occasionally getting caught
> between the valve and its seat.  When this happens, the valve bends
> because the clearances are so tight in there that the piston "kisses"
> the valve. I've heard of some shops that pull the manifold every 40K
> or so and manually clean the valve stem and the back of the valve
> head.  Book time to R&R the manifold is around 4 hours, and I'm
> guessing another 2 for the cleaning of 8 valves.  We've seen one do
> this, and we only have 2 that come in on a regular basis.  We had to
> replace the engine because there was scoring in 2 cylinders and one
> bent valve.  I'm guessing carbon caused the scoring.  Personally, I
> don't see a 2.0T, or any other car with an FSI engine,in my future

Good lord!  Thanks for the tip.


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