MFTS frequent failure

gschesel gschesel at
Sat Jul 2 06:29:24 PDT 2011

Any BTDT installation tips with the multi-function temp sensor for the I5?
My '91 100 needs a replacement; again.  They seem to last only a few days or
weeks.  I know the converted R134 pressure is OK plus the CC channel
read-out shows it as OK.

The MFTS was replaced in spring of 2010 but quit working shortly thereafter;
leaving me without summer cooling.  I would try again if I can be more
confident of it lasting.

Are there any resistance values between connector pins that indicate when
good or not good. Are there resistance or volts readings at the harness
connector that would be useful?  I have the Bentleys and can do research

This has been annoying and expensive; especially when my '91 200 has the
same sensor since my acquisition in 2002.
Are there newer non-Audi versions I can try?

Gordy in St Paul
91 100 251k
91 200 20v 118k
05 allroad 87k

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