What's a 1987 4KCSQ worth?

Mark Rosenkrantz speedracer.mark at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 16:58:42 PST 2011

Has anyone sold one recently?  Listings on EBAY seem to be non-existant.
I'm *considering* selling mine which I purchased based on some fuzzy
pictures a few years ago for ice racing.  But it's WAY too nice to make into
a race car.  Almost no rust and REALLY clean interior.  Only problem is
non-functioing door handles, odometer not working (undoubtedly the plastic
gear), and a leaking rear diff (which they all seem to do).  I have the rear
seal, just haven't replaced it yet.  Other than that, needs nothing.

So odo says about 125K, previous owner said 140K to 150K based on his prior
driving habits and time.  Any data points which would help me price it?

Mark Rosenkrantz

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