Suitable A8 catalytic converter replacement?

John Larson viejoloco at
Thu Dec 27 12:30:51 PST 2012

On 12/27/2012 9:09 AM, Pat wrote:
> I dunno about the CEL, but sounds like a good plan.
> I recently did some on a Navigator and didn't have a chk eng light problem.
> Got them from a cat conv wholesaler in Tampa.
The parameters chosen by VAG for monitoring the cats are unusually 
narrow, and OBD 2 cars have compatibility issues with aftermarket cats. 
  If you're gonna get one, DEC makes a nice bolt in unit, and they're 
about the best out there.  American and Asian vehicles allow more 
performance latitude and don't seem to have CEL issues with aftermarket 
cats.  I don't even try to save money for my customers by using them; it 
just produces a comeback, and I don't want to do the job twice.

BTW, DEC recommends MAF and O2 sensor replacement as part of the job.


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