Making a profit was Re: Houston we have a problem
dgraber460 at
dgraber460 at
Wed Jan 11 08:28:05 PST 2012
While not wanting to add to the already "enough" I _must_ post that this is the most mature response to criticism I've ever encountered.
Speaks totally of the character of the writer!! Well Done.
Also - you are welcome on my couch any time coming through Denver. That invitation goes to other listers as well.
If any of you are coming through Denver and don't let us local crazies buy you a beer - shame on you. We're a rather hospitable group!
"All for one - one for all". (sap mode off...and back to our unregularly unscheduled program).
720-838-0558 (you comin through Denver this better ring!)
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Semple <chris at>
To: quattro <quattro at>
Sent: Tue, Jan 10, 2012 7:41 pm
Subject: Re: Making a profit was Re: Houston we have a problem
Wow, step away from the computer for a day and come back to more press
han the NH Primary!
rdinarily I'm inclined to let critiques wash away, but I'm moved to
omment on this one, not because of one persons dis-satisfaction with a
urchase, but by the many positive comments(and even calls) I've gotten.
hank you all for the support and kind words, I am moved!
It's been some 18+yrs on the Qlist(thanks Dan!), my thoughts go to the
reat friends and Audi cohorts I've met long before I owned a parts biz.
've been lucky enough to travel around the country, and crash on
isters couchs, eat their food, and swap great stories. I know phone
umbers I wouldn't hesitate to call at 2am "my tow rig's busted!", and
've returned the favour for guys jammed up at track days and ProRally
vents. It's about the spirit of it all, in-car, or out. I'm blessed to
e in a business I *enjoy* doing every day, I know not everyone has that
To Jack, or anyone with a concern, my door(phone) is always open. As a
mall business owner, working in a niche market, I do know that every
ale matters. In the 10+ yrs of Force 5, we've grown from er, just me,
o 6 employees total. While I'm no longer involved in every sale, as an
wner it does come down to me, to train my crew, to ensure quality,
alue, and keep the lines of communication open to make sure that every
lient gets what they're expecting(or more). It's a lot easier to agree
n what a good used wheel looks like for an '08 A4q than an '86 5000tq
or example. Or why I'd recommend new on ebrake cables, or reman'd ABS
umps(A4/A6)... 100% customer satisfaction may be a business owners
ream, but that doesn't keep us from striving for it :)
Chris Semple, owner
Concord NH
84 4000q
'02 Allroad 6spd
'08 E350 Club
-----Original Message-----
From: Wylie Bean<theringmeister at>
To: Quattro list<quattro at>; j123fs<j123fs at>
Sent: Mon, Jan 9, 2012 3:44 pm
Subject: Making a profit was Re: Houston we have a problem
On 1/7/2012 7:42 PM, j123fs at wrote:
... and if you think he's out to help the Audi/VW community you are sadly
istaken, he is just like any other single minded businessman - to make money."
Yeah, because running a BUSINESS at a loss usually works really well. Far be
or him to serve the Audi community and make a (good?) living. This kind of
ttitude never ceases to amaze me. Why else would anyone put up with the BS it
akes to own/run a business?
Wylie Bean
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