'91 100q shiftIng difficulty

Dave Fain kf21857 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 07:28:50 PST 2012

"While you are in there", don't forget the pilot bearing.  I replaced the
clutch on my old 4KSQ due to a failed throwout bearing and ended up
removing the pilot bearing in small pieces because it was seized into the
recess in the crank.  This could also be contributing to your shifting
problems if the bearing is failing.

Message: 2
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 21:46:56 -0500
From: "Louis-Alain (mobile)" <5145727795 at bell.net>
To: <wadd-wadd at usa.net>
Cc: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: RE: '91 100q shiftIng difficulty
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If never replaced, or age unknown, then replacing both the slave and the
master cylinders should cure this problem. Figure a couple of hours for
time, and the price of parts : according to rockauto.com, around 50$ for the
slave and 32$ to 114$ for the master.

Then, if it's the clutch itself that is binding, and not the hydraulics,
these two parts would be a nice "while in there" additional repair if you do
plan to replace the clutch itself (part : 200$ to 450$, brand dependent, and
a good day of work). If the car is worth it, it's your call...


> -----Message d'origine-----
> Yes, it does. So, how do I fix the failing clutch hydraulics?

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