alignment when replacing allroad air springs and shocks

Jeremiah Curry jeremiah at
Wed Jan 18 08:18:31 PST 2012

Thanks! And good luck on your install, mine went fairly smoothly, but the
back is probably harder, since the access to the shock mounts must be under
the rear molding.



From: Eric Sanborn [mailto:esanborn at] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 6:20 PM
To: Jeremiah Curry
Cc: quattro at
Subject: Re: alignment when replacing allroad air springs and shocks


If everything was good when you started you should be Ok.  Unlike struts the
spring/damper combo is not part of the alignment of the system.  I have to
R&R one of my rear bags on my allroad this weekend.





On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 2:07 PM, Jeremiah Curry
<jeremiah at>wrote:

> Howdy all,
> I recently replaced the front air springs and shocks with arnott units.
> Overall it went well.  But now I am wondering how important it is to have
> the car aligned after the change?

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