Steering column stalks compatibility
radek at
Wed Mar 21 08:14:06 PDT 2012
Ha, right now it's definitely going in this direction - the low beams are on a separate switch under the dash, relayed separately and can be operated any time. It would be nice to have the flash feature working, though.
----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Caouette
To: audi at
Cc: Radek ; quattro at
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: Steering column stalks compatibility
Who needs a. Stalk switch anyway! Three years ago, on a cross country drive, our 1991 20VTQA decided to fail us. I was close to ...Columbus??...and pulley into an Advance Auto parts store where I bought an array of rocker switches, some electrical wire, and some butt connectors. Just down the way was a Home Depot. There I purchased some 3/8 inch plywood and some sheet metal screws. I already had the drill and bits in the car.
Parked under a shady tree and three hours later ( after a return to the parts store to replace several blown fuses) l had a cockpit that would make a wannabe NASCAR drive drool. Two position rocker (green backlit) for left and right signals. One yellow backlit rocker each for park and drive lights. Of course the drive had low and high beam. A rocker for the wipers. Can't remember what else I had on that makeshift panel...but it worked. The car didn't make it back to Denver for nearly two years....and a refit to original.
I kinda miss that makeshift setup. The festive glow always made it seem like Christmas.
Carry on Gentlemen!
paul from my droid
On Mar 20, 2012 6:54 PM, "Huw Powell" <audi at> wrote:
They won't.
On 3/20/2012 6:39 PM, Radek wrote:
The headlights switch in my son's 1988 90Q doesn't work anymore (despite dismantling, cleaning, etc.). Low beam contact is intermittent and the flash function gone. We found a 1995 90Q at the boneyard, it has the newer style stalks (rounder). Can someone confirm if those will fit?
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